5. jan. 2014

Topp 5 – sitat frå Harry Potter-bøkene

Atter ein gong har eg lese ut alle Harry Potter-bøkene. Og sjølv om eg visste korleis det heile kom til å ende, sat eg i stolen og gret i går. Tårene berre rann! Eg merkar at sjølv om eg no har sett alle filmane på rekke og rad og også lese alle bøkene utan stopp, er eg ikkje ferdig med dette universet. Kanskje skal eg byrja å sjå filmane ein gong til? Uansett så kjem eg nok til å lese bøkene igjen om nokre år, dykke ned i universet, oppdage nye ting, gråte, le. Medan eg las bøkene, har eg samla på fine, morosame, spennande og rørande passasjar i bøkene, og i dag har eg prøvd, så godt eg kunne, å plukke ut mine topp fem sitat frå dei seks fyrste bøkene. Den sjuande og siste får komme neste veke, for i den boka fann eg så mykje som eg likte (okei, dette blei visst eit langt innlegg):

"What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrel is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows"
- Professor Dumbledore til Harry i slutten av den fyrste boka

"Well, obviously, she's feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then I expect she's feeling confused because she liked Cedric and now she likes Harry, and she can't work out who she likes best. Then she'll be feeling guilty, thinking it's an insult to Cedric's memory to be kissing Harry at all, and she'll be worrying about what everyone else might say about her if she starts going out with Harry. And she probably can't work out what her feelings towards Harry are anyway, because he was the one who was with Cedric when Cedric died, so that's all very mixed up and painful. Oh, and she's afraid she's going to be thrown off the Ravenclaw Quidditch team because she's flying so badly." A slightly stunned silence greeted the end of this speech, then Ron said, "One person can’t feel all that at once, they’d explode"
- Hermione til Ron og Harry om kvifor Cho gret då Harry kyssa ho (sitatet er henta frå den femte boka i serien, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

Fred told Harry [...], "Dumbledore was having real trouble finding anyone to do the job this year." "Not surprising, is it, when you look at what's happened to the last four?" said George. "One sacked, one dead, one's memory erased, and one locked in a trunk for nine months," said Harry, counting them off on his fingers. "Yeah, I see what you mean."
- det faktum at dei fleste lærarane som har undervist i Defence Against the Dark Arts har det gått dårleg med, henta frå bok nr.fem

Harry looked around; there was Ginny running toward him; she had a hard blazing look in her face as she threw her arms around him. And without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her. After several long moments, or it might have been half an hour-or possibly several sunlit days- they broke apart [...]. For a fraction of of a second they looked at each other, then Ron gave a tiny jerk of the head that Harry understood to mean, "Well – if you must"
- Harry og Ginny, systera til Ron (som altså er Harry sin besteven) kyssar kvarandre offentleg for fyrste gong i Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

His hand closed automatically around the fake Horcrux but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with Voldemort he knew must come whether in a month in a year or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione.
- den siste passasjen i nest siste bok, så vakkert om venskap

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